One of the most common complaints stated by YouTube creators is a lack of “support” from other creators on the platform. While “support” seems to be a nebulous term, for the most part, they seem to be most upset that other YouTube creators aren’t taking the time to watch, like, comment on, and share their videos.
It’s an easy assumption to make…the people who are involved with creating and uploading videos are, by default, going to be on the YouTube platform on a regular basis, and while they’re there, they may have some interest in watching videos. A shared interest in video creation and channel growth would seem to indicate that other creators might be interested in the things you’ve made.
However, YouTube creators have one large roadblock to becoming your fans…they are busy trying to grow their own channel. While it seems there is a shared interest, the interest only goes in a single direction, and you’re both facing that direction. You want channel growth, as do they. You want to create quality videos, as do they. You want to spend as much time building your audience….as do they.
Now, there’s certainly something to be said about working with other creators to build your channel. Many options exist for this, including sharing resources and information, collaborating, discussing trends, and discussing the various obstacles you’ve all encountered as creative artists. None of these activities require other creators to act as your audience.
Audiences are, by default, separate from those who create the art that they watch. While there are certainly creators who are interested in consuming a great deal of art that falls into the same category they make, it is unfair to expect other creators to spend time consuming the art that you make.
It can seem disheartening to realize that other creators aren’t interested in being your primary source of audience. However, realizing that there are far more consumers than there are creators can change your approach toward channel growth. Find the people who want to watch, and let the people who want to create do so, as you would want them to do for you.